At the start of each semester, we will create a group agreement, otherwise known as a code of conduct that has been written collectively. (As a reference, we might refer to the School for Poetic Computation's code of conduct).
— Speak aloud (no hands necessary)
— Wait for people to finish before speaking
— Try not to interrupt
— Encourage others to speak by asking direct questions, e.g. "What do you think?"
— Neutral observations (explicit, fact-based) vs. Value judgements (opinions)
— Constructive criticism: state your opinion and then explain why
— When your peers are speaking, make sure we are paying attention with devices turned off or sleeping
— Exit the classroom as needed but be aware of when it starts affecting your learning
— Embrace awkward silences
— Take a moment to observe and process the project/comment, rather than speaking immediately
— Be open to making mistakes and taking risks
— Making leads to making
— If necessary, include trigger warnings and censor beforehand
— Clean up after yourself
— Treat others the way you want to be treated
— Be willing to help others and be willing to be helped
— If you're taking a photo, ask for permission first (there is a Rutgers contract in Career Services)
— If you're posting a photo, give credit
— Explanatory commas: explain terms that your peers may not know
— Be aware of how your actions affect others (e.g. playing music might be distracting)