Black Gooey Universe
American Artist

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
John Perry Barlow

Spirit Surfing
Kevin Bewersdorf

Inside the online communities making beautiful black Sims
Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff

Stop Trying to Make the Web Beautiful
Oliver Burkeman

Value of Literacy
Octavia Butler

Visible Wisdom
Muriel Cooper

The Language of Internet Memes
Patrick Davison

History of Computer Art
Thomas Dreher

Screenshot or It Didn't Happen
Jacob Gaboury

The Internet's Old Guard
Jay Graber

Beyond the Surface: 15 Years of Desktop Aesthetics
Jason Huff

Interface Aesthetics
Jason Huff

Aesthetic Animism
David Jhave Johnston

Run Your Own Social
Darius Kazemi

Computers as Theater
Brenda Laurel

A Drop of Love in the Cloud
Fei Liu

The Coming Age of Calm Technology
Mark Weiser, John Seely Brown

Notes on the Internet and Art
Gene McHugh

8 Reasons to Turn Down that Startup Job
Mike Monteiro

Gutenberg Didn't Actually Invent the Printing Press
M. Sophia Newman

Seth Price

On Research and Archiving
Kameelah Janan Rasheed

Elsewhere, After the Flood:
Legacy Russell

A Pattern Language
Sara Ishikawa, Christopher Alexander, Murray Silverstein

Conservatism of Emoji
Luke Stark

Cyber-Animism and Augmented Dreams
Tamiko Thiel

Decentralize What?
Francis Tseng

On Building Knowledge Networks through Wandering
Édouard U.

The Ladies Vanish
Shawn Wen